What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system of knowledge about human energy mechanics. This is a new and amazing science which is fundamentally different from all the self-knowledge practices that exist in the world today.

Human Design is not a religion. This is a multifaceted theory about the structure of our consciousness and the principles of its operation that invites everyone to test its effectiveness personally and embark on a path of practical experiment with living their own Design.

Human Design does not invite you improve anything in yourself, do exercises, set goals, and pump yourself up with inspirational slogans. It will just show you who you really are. You will be able to find out where your unique personality lies and how to correctly apply your innate talents.
This knowledge will give you clear answers to important questions:
What is my Purpose?
What talents do I have and how can I apply them in my life?
How to find harmony and happiness with my loved one?
How to get relationships on track with colleagues, family?
What is the reason for my fears and doubts?
How do I make decisions I will not regret?

“The Human Design knowledge system is a synthesis of collective wisdom. The truth of this wisdom lies in its accessibility. As a result of synthesis, this system is both simple and profound..."

Ra Uru Hu,"The White Book", 1995

Synthesis of classical sciences and ancient cosmology
The Human Design Theory is a unique puzzle. It is assembled from different elements into a single concept that is logically flawless and has practical value. Quantum physics, astronomy, genetics, chemistry and biology, as well as the key postulates of esoteric teachings and theories about the cosmological structure of the world were surprisingly synchronized in it. Some of this knowledge is detailed in the ancient Vedic scriptures, the I Ching’s Book of Changes and the Torah.
Cosmology and Quantum Physics
Streams of solar neutrinos and cosmic particles are able to interact with DNA molecules that are a factory for making proteins.
Chemistry and Biology
Proteins are the building blocks of any living organism. Their production and laying are carried out in strict accordance with the "genetic blueprint".
Astronomy of Celestial Bodies
The movement coordinates of the planets within the boundaries of the Solar System can be compared with the sector of each Hexagram on the circular Rave mandala.
Genetics and Behavioural Psychology
A particular type of protein is responsible for tuning the psyche and consciousness of people. The synthesis activity of these proteins is regulated by epigenetic factors.
Vedic Astrology
The ancient Vedic astrology (Jyotish) explores more sectors on the celestial sphere of the Zodiac and does not tie them to the 12 constellations.
Chakra System
In the Vedic scriptures, the energy centres are better known as chakras. Human Design says that humans now have nine chakras instead of seven.
Esoteric Kabbalah
The Kabbalistic knowledge in Judaism describes the Tree of Life as an important structural basis for the relationship between the energies of a human being and the Creator.
I Ching’s Book of Changes and Hexagrams
The tabular and circular notation forms of the 64 I Ching’s Hexagrams and codons of the human genetic code are identical in structure. This is an important key.

However, the main value of this knowledge lies not in its theory, but in the possibility of its practical application. Experimenting with living your Design will allow you to dramatically increase your efficiency and bring positive changes to your life.

Where to Begin?
Start by learning the basics of Human Design
Before you start exploring the specifics of your Design, we strongly recommend you to study the structure of the personal chart and the key terms that are presented in our Knowledge Base.
Build your personal Rave Chart
On our website you can calculate it for free and without registration. For the correct calculation of the chart, you need to know the time, date and place of your birth as accurately as possible.
3. Find out the important features of your Design from our readings
You can briefly familiarize yourself with the key elements of your Design in the Info Tabs next to your chart image or purchase its detailed reading in PDF format.
Do you want to know interesting details? We are waiting for you in our blog!
28 May 2024
Reading Time: 4 min
However, the Projectors have an extraordinary evolutionary role, which is to support our evolutionary direction. Projectors are already doing this by determining the best way to apply energy.
6 March 2024
Reading Time: 7 min
 The correct movement trajectory is a method of loosening the mind's grip and control over your life in order to correctly engage in the experiment with strategy.
23 February 2024
Reading Time: 11 min
Many people think that once as they know it, they will be able to fulfil their purpose right away.
20 February 2024
Reading Time: 11 min
Every individual is born with a built-in "navigation system" consisting of Strategy and Inner Authority. We can live our lives correctly if we abide by them. However, there are challenges on this path, and they come through our Not-Self.

Our Advantages

Over the years, we have been working to make life easier for the many Human Design seekers who decided to embark on the path of self-discovery and are interested in exploring their Rave Chart on their own.
Impeccable accuracy of chart calculation
We have completed the database with time zones and ephemerides of celestial bodies for the most accurate calculation of your Design.
Convenient analytical tools
Register on the website to save Rave Charts in your Personal Area and get free access to their short reports.
Fast and automated report
You can download a ready-made report in PDF format literally in a few minutes after ordering and paying for your order.
Exclusive author content
All versions of our reports contain unique author content and colourful thematic illustrations that you will not find on the Internet.
What Our Clients Say
Projector, Profile 2/4
I'm a Newbie and I'm very excited to continue this journey!! Everything so far has been exactly right. I'm already beginning to understand My choices made and the whys!
Projector, Profile 2/4
I'm a Newbie and I'm very excited to continue this journey!! Everything so far has been exactly right. I'm already beginning to understand My choices made and the whys!
Projector, Profile 3/5
Amazing app. So much good information. I really enjoy it and is really useful. Thank you
Projector, Profile 3/5
Amazing app. So much good information. I really enjoy it and is really useful. Thank you
Generator, Profile 5/1
Great app! The best I’ve found with tones of information to study, contemplate and analyze.
Generator, Profile 5/1
Great app! The best I’ve found with tones of information to study, contemplate and analyze.
Generator, Profile 3/5
This site has sooo many different things to offer for free. so much info! usually websites don't mix HD with Gene keys as good as Humdes.com does. thank you all for that!
Generator, Profile 3/5
This site has sooo many different things to offer for free. so much info! usually websites don't mix HD with Gene keys as good as Humdes.com does. thank you all for that!
M. Generator, Profile 6/2
So far the most user-friendly, clear and valuable providing website on Human Design!
M. Generator, Profile 6/2
So far the most user-friendly, clear and valuable providing website on Human Design!
M. Generator, Profile 6/2
After trying all the others, HumDes is consistently the best experience I've had with HD software. Thank you!
M. Generator, Profile 6/2
After trying all the others, HumDes is consistently the best experience I've had with HD software. Thank you!
The transcript is excellent, perhaps the best report I've seen so far. The price is also approx. There are slight roughnesses in format and grammar, but it is clear that it is not so easy for a report of almost 100 pages to be perfect...

Good afternoon, the transcript is excellent, perhaps the best report I've seen so far. The price is also approx. There are slight roughnesses in format and grammar, but it is clear that it is not so easy for a report of almost 100 pages to be perfect. I have skimmed through the contents so far and started reading carefully. Suggestion: add a table of contents to the beginning with hyperlinks to go to specific chapters and pages, let's say you need one thing, you don't know which page, you have to scroll through.

From what is obviously missing for the completeness of the report: 1) description of the cross, 2) description of variables, 3) description of lunar nodes (nodal polarities).

But generally a good project. I am professionally engaged in various fintech stories, if your shareholder is interested in a partnership to scale the business, let him contact me by mail.

I have ordered the calculation of my Hologenetic profile from you. To say that he HELPED me is to say NOTHING! Deciphering the profile helped me get closer to solving one of the most important problems for me...


I have ordered the calculation of my Hologenetic profile from you. To say that he HELPED me is to say NOTHING! Deciphering the profile helped me get closer to solving one of the most important problems for me, hidden in the sphere of the Core (43.4) of the Venus Sequence – it accurately pointed to my Sacred wound in the relationship - Rejection. And through her, I also came out to see how this Wound manifests itself in my life - through the partner's 23rd gene key... Directly related to Speech.

I have serious problems with speech since I was 4 years old - I stutter. And finally, I FOUND THE TRUE CAUSE OF MY STUTTERING - the fear of Rejection, expressed and manifested through the violation of my speech functions. And the most important thing is that the calculation also provides a way to heal this sacred wound - TENDERNESS / SOFTNESS.

I am 36 years old now. and perhaps nothing inspired me so much as this information, which I have been searching for so long in all possible sources for many years! Now I know in which direction I need to act, where to start! thank you! I wanted to study Human Design and Gene Keys more deeply. You do not conduct any courses, seminars in these areas!?

What you have done for the audience of the planet is beyond praise. I have been familiar with Human Design since 2011-2012. Then I had two readings of my Rave Card...

Dear friends! What you have done for the Russian-speaking audience of the planet is beyond praise.

I have been familiar with Human Design since 2011-2012. Then I had two readings of my Rave Card. Moreover, the second reading about the passage of the Chiron Ascent stage was done by a magnificent American master Beat, who completed a full course of study at the International School of Human Design with Linda Bunnell.

At that time, we could independently make a Rave Card calculation for our loved ones with the most minimal information on only one American website.

For some reason, Infinity has brought me back to the topic of Design now, eight years later. And what I saw on the Internet really delighted me!

My deepest gratitude to those people who took the trouble to make all the incomprehensibly deep multi-layered information on Human Design available!

Marketing has chosen very precise needs of the majority of people engaged in self-development: each of the three sequences in the Hologenetic profile and Compatibility of partners. I use both of these products in my self-exploration.

Reading the description of the Ra Uru Hu Rave Card on your website as an example also confirms the high quality of the product. What is currently presented on your site is done professionally and is extremely convenient for users.

If you can reveal in this way any other "burning" aspects of the seeking humanity, the Russian-speaking audience will be grateful to you.

Creativity and prosperity to you! With deep respect, Irina.