28 May 2024
Reading Time: 4 min
However, the Projectors have an extraordinary evolutionary role, which is to support our evolutionary direction. Projectors are already doing this by determining the best way to apply energy.
6 March 2024
Reading Time: 7 min
 The correct movement trajectory is a method of loosening the mind's grip and control over your life in order to correctly engage in the experiment with strategy.
23 February 2024
Reading Time: 11 min
Many people think that once as they know it, they will be able to fulfil their purpose right away.
20 February 2024
Reading Time: 11 min
Every individual is born with a built-in "navigation system" consisting of Strategy and Inner Authority. We can live our lives correctly if we abide by them. However, there are challenges on this path, and they come through our Not-Self.
2 February 2024
Reading Time: 6 min
The Solar Plexus Centre in Human Design is a very powerful motor that gives emotions power. From an evolutionary standpoint, it is the ultimate gift to humanity.
31 January 2024
Reading Time: 6 min
Inner Authority is the only correct way for anyone to make decisions. This is the "mind of your body," its unique truth that is independent of what your mind dictates you.
29 January 2024
Reading Time: 7 min
Following your Strategy is the most important rule in Human Design for those who want to experiment with their Design and understand their uniqueness. Today we will discuss what strategies are and will focus on one of them in particular - the most common strategy in Human Design - wait to respond.
3 August 2019
Reading Time: 5 min
If you are reading this text, then you probably have already been a little interested in your Design, calculated your rave card and even found out who you are: a Generator, a Projector, a Manifestor or maybe even a rare Reflector?