Hologenetic Profile Report

A Complete Guide to Your Hologenetics. 180 pages.
Hologenetic Profile Report

On the HumDesCom website, you can currently purchase a unique author report of three Sequences from your Hologenetic Profile, totalling as much as 180 pages! The Hologenetic Profile is different from the classic Rave Chart analysis in Human Design. It is based on the Gene Keys teachings of Richard Rudd adapted for practical experiment.

The unique codes of your Prosperity are hidden in your chart’s structure of activations. The first code is the key to fulfilling your Destiny through the conscious living out of your Incarnation Cross. Another Two personal codes contain information on how to find harmony in relationships with loved ones and correctly interact with the world of material values.

The method of decoding several codes comes down to a step-by-step working through of certain Gene Keys activated in the Rave Chart by six celestial bodies - the Sun, Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. To see and understand the essence of this encoding in your Design, you need to generate and decipher your Hologenetic Profile.

This is a chain of 11 Spheres that are divided into three Sequences and interconnected by Pathways. Every Sphere contains one Gene Key from your Rave Chart activated by a specific celestial body.

Having passed through all the Spheres and Pathways, you can find answers to the three most important questions in every person’s life:

  1. What is my Purpose and how I can fulfil it?
  2. How to make my Relationship with my loved one more harmonious?
  3. What activities in the material world will lead me to success?

The Hologenetic Profile Journey is the "Golden Path" of a person with an open heart that will help them fully awaken and fulfil their natural potential. The Guide we have created will help you confidently take 11 steps in the most important aspects of your Rave Chart, where every step is living out a specific Gene Key in practice and increasing its vibration frequency using special techniques.

We invite you to examine the contents of the Report in more detail and read excerpts of the most interesting slides from each part of this report version.

Introductory Information, Techniques and Recommendations

Basic terms and methods of working with the material

The content of this section includes 26 slides with useful information about what the Hologenetic profile is, how it relates to your Rave Chart, as well as a detailed description of the basic techniques of working with the material and basic terms.

Practical work through each of the three Sequences includes over a dozen different techniques that will help you better explore your nature, progress faster and work more efficiently on yourself.

Contemplation is one of the main techniques that are used to work through the Gene Keys. It is aimed at de-programming low frequencies in your consciousness and energetically reconfiguring your cells to a higher frequency of energy vibration.

The introductory part of the Report contains a lot of detailed information and thematic illustrations to help you prepare for an exciting journey along the "Golden Path":

What is a Hologenetic Profile and what it consists of?
Brief summaries of the three Sequences from your chart.
Basic terms and definitions in Hologenetics.
The Gene Keys and three frequencies of their energetic vibration.
The working mechanism of the Gene Keys from the point of view of science.
The technique of passing through the Spheres in every Sequence.
How to use keys - Programme partners.
The art and technique of contemplating the Gene Keys.
Technique for working through the Shadow frequencies of the Gene Key vibration.
Three rules of successful and effective work on yourself.
The importance of understanding others activations in your Rave Chart.
Activation Sequence
Activation Sequence
Relationship with yourself

This section of the Report includes 42 slides with a detailed report on the four Spheres and three Pathways that form the Activation Sequence in your Rave Chart. Working through this Sequence will help you fully fulfil your life Purpose.

Here begins your path to finding yourself and transforming your life for the better. Four Spheres of the Activation Sequence are filled with the Gene Keys energies that make up your Incarnation Cross.

These primary Gifts reflect your primary purpose and direction in life. They will lead you to an understanding of what you came to this world to do, suggest the most effective way to develop your personality and find inner stability.

Important tasks for working through your Incarnation Cross.
Techniques for overcoming Challenge Pathways, Breakthrough and Stabilisation.
Useful exercises to stabilise the physical body.
A look at the Incarnation Cross through the prism of the Gene Keys.

Venus Sequence
Venus Sequence
Relationships with people close to you

This section of the report includes 70 slides with a detailed report on the six Spheres and five Pathways that form the Venus Sequence in your Rave Chart.

The Venus Sequence aims to harmonise personal relationships through a willingness to open your heart to true love. Using tools like observing, allowing and accepting, you will begin to become aware of emotional patterns, blocks and fears buried deep in our unconscious.

Working with the Venus Sequence will help you bring long-forgotten childhood traumas and grievances to the surface. Consider and cure them, transform them into strong personal qualities.

Auxiliary keys for working through this Sequence.
Experience of practical living out and activation of individual Spheres.
Dharma and Karma are mystical paths to your happiness.
Techniques for threading the Pathways of Intelligence, Love and Realisation.
Three aspects of your emotional maturity in a relationship.
Helpful advice for parents with small children.
Important points and recommendations for working through your Trauma.

Pearl Sequence
Pearl Sequence
Relationship with the material world

This section of the Report includes 37 slides with detailed explanations of the four Spheres and four Pathways that form the Pearl Sequence in your Rave Chart.

An innate need through which we feel our own worth is the desire to serve society and the world as a whole. Staying in this role puts you on the path of prosperity in the material world.

When working with this Sequence, like-minded people and allies who are ready for effective cooperation will be attracted into your life. Once you reconsider your attitude towards money and people who are really willing to help you, you will automatically be rewarded with financial success.

The basics of correct interaction with the world of material values.
The culture of correct interactions with your environment.
Techniques for threading the Pathways of Initiative, Growth and Service
The Four Universal Principles of Your Mastery
The Quantum Leap is the Final Step on the Path to Your Prosperity

Practical Value of this Report Version

The Hologenetic Profile is indeed a very effective and efficient tool. However, have patience and follow to instructions. Self-knowledge is a deep inner process that requires time and concentration.

Consistent work with low frequencies (Shadows) and their transformation into higher energy vibrations (Gifts) will help you reach a new level of understanding and acceptance of your essence. Unleashing your talents will make you more relaxed and at the same time more effective, subtly guiding you towards your true role in the flow of life.

You will become aware of your true nature and find out what your Evolutionary Task is. You will understand what needs to be done to harmonise relationships with your loved ones and how to fulfil your talents in society without losing your uniqueness. Using the Gene Keys, you will delve deeply into exploring each of these areas.

A challenging, but very interesting work to transform your consciousness and improve the quality of your life awaits you! It involves a step-by-step working through each Sphere and each Pathway. Throughout the journey, we will help you and share with you the experience of personal experimentation.

Amount of information 180 pages
Hologenetic Profile
A Complete Guide to Your Hologenetics

Our Advantages

Over the years, we have been working to make life easier for the many Human Design seekers who decided to embark on the path of self-discovery and are interested in exploring their Rave Chart on their own.
Impeccable accuracy of chart calculation
We have completed the database with time zones and ephemerides of celestial bodies for the most accurate calculation of your Design.
Convenient analytical tools
Register on the website to save Rave Charts in your Personal Area and get free access to their short reports.
Fast and automated report
You can download a ready-made report in PDF format literally in a few minutes after ordering and paying for your order.
Exclusive author content
All versions of our reports contain unique author content and colourful thematic illustrations that you will not find on the Internet.
More about the Project

More about the Project

The Humdes is the most visited thematic Internet resource on Human Design and Gene Keys. The project was launched in the summer of 2017 and has been actively developing since then, attracting well-deserved attention and interest of the target audience.

During this time, more than 10 million people from 80 countries of the world visited us and made about 30 million Rave Chart calculations. More than 400,000 registered users constantly use our site to get chart calculations and reports of their friends’, acquaintances’ and relatives’ Rave Charts.

Our Project team includes people who live their Design deeply and radically as well as those who deliberately remain outside the experiment, but are very deeply immersed in the study of the theoretical part of Human Design, Gene Keys and I Ching’s Hexagrams.

The technical and software side of our product is done by professionals with many years of experience in the field of IT projects, software and web design.

Reviews about Hologenetic Profile Report
I have ordered the calculation of my Hologenetic profile from you. To say that he HELPED me is to say NOTHING! Deciphering the profile helped me get closer to solving one of the most important problems for me...


I have ordered the calculation of my Hologenetic profile from you. To say that he HELPED me is to say NOTHING! Deciphering the profile helped me get closer to solving one of the most important problems for me, hidden in the sphere of the Core (43.4) of the Venus Sequence – it accurately pointed to my Sacred wound in the relationship - Rejection. And through her, I also came out to see how this Wound manifests itself in my life - through the partner's 23rd gene key... Directly related to Speech.

I have serious problems with speech since I was 4 years old - I stutter. And finally, I FOUND THE TRUE CAUSE OF MY STUTTERING - the fear of Rejection, expressed and manifested through the violation of my speech functions. And the most important thing is that the calculation also provides a way to heal this sacred wound - TENDERNESS / SOFTNESS.

I am 36 years old now. and perhaps nothing inspired me so much as this information, which I have been searching for so long in all possible sources for many years! Now I know in which direction I need to act, where to start! thank you! I wanted to study Human Design and Gene Keys more deeply. You do not conduct any courses, seminars in these areas!?

What you have done for the audience of the planet is beyond praise. I have been familiar with Human Design since 2011-2012. Then I had two readings of my Rave Card...

Dear friends! What you have done for the Russian-speaking audience of the planet is beyond praise.

I have been familiar with Human Design since 2011-2012. Then I had two readings of my Rave Card. Moreover, the second reading about the passage of the Chiron Ascent stage was done by a magnificent American master Beat, who completed a full course of study at the International School of Human Design with Linda Bunnell.

At that time, we could independently make a Rave Card calculation for our loved ones with the most minimal information on only one American website.

For some reason, Infinity has brought me back to the topic of Design now, eight years later. And what I saw on the Internet really delighted me!

My deepest gratitude to those people who took the trouble to make all the incomprehensibly deep multi-layered information on Human Design available!

Marketing has chosen very precise needs of the majority of people engaged in self-development: each of the three sequences in the Hologenetic profile and Compatibility of partners. I use both of these products in my self-exploration.

Reading the description of the Ra Uru Hu Rave Card on your website as an example also confirms the high quality of the product. What is currently presented on your site is done professionally and is extremely convenient for users.

If you can reveal in this way any other "burning" aspects of the seeking humanity, the Russian-speaking audience will be grateful to you.

Creativity and prosperity to you! With deep respect, Irina.

The best thing that can be (for me) is the continuation of development, the continuation of a deeper understanding of this world, your place and role in it. At the moment I feel like a helpless kitten...

Good afternoon, my Dears. The best thing that can be (for me) is the continuation of development, the continuation of a deeper understanding of this world, your place and role in it. At the moment, I feel like a helpless kitten, and frankly panicking, because I have drowned in the flow of information that has fallen on me... ajna, projector, hologenetics, rave, dream map....

At the same time, there is an understanding that every definition, every aspect, every figure is incredibly important and even more important is a holistic vision of the whole picture and understanding how to manage it all. For me, such helplessness is a challenge, the beginning of a new milestone in life... I keep growing, I keep developing.

This little kitten, with its fur standing on end and wild rumbling, began to eat the whale... Cool!

I really liked the report "hologenetic profile". My injury and how to work with it became clear. I need to accept all manifestations and give love, TENDERNESS and recognition...

I really liked the report "hologenetic profile". My injury and how to work with it became clear. I need to accept all manifestations and give love, TENDERNESS and recognition, believe in my inner child! And then you become more holistic and stable! It comes to an understanding that it supports itself in this World and there is no need to look for substitutes in the outside world!

It is useful to take all the external manifestations of people in my address as reflections of my shadows and realize what to work with inside yourself! Through awareness, contemplation, disidentification and acceptance of one's shadows, the transformation of the Crystal of Personality and the transition to a new level of vibrations occur! And then the external Reality begins to reflect my internal changes! The inner conflict goes away and harmony and acceptance, mercy and Faith in Yourself and your Way come!

I ordered a hologenetic profile. I really liked how the presentation is packed and that you can always see the right moments in one place. I didn't have enough references to Rudd's books...

Hi! I ordered a hologenetic profile. I really liked how the presentation is packed and that you can always see the right moments in one place. I didn't have enough links to Rudd's books where I could read more about each sequence.

That is, I understand that everything in the presentation is compressed from books, but I began to read some moments in books, and I use the transcript as a quick auxiliary material. And there are still not enough indications that this is all a slow and gradual process (the book focuses more on this).

Thanks! I was very glad to discover the Golden Path before the New Year!

I would like to start with the decoding design - it really captivates, beautiful and designer))!! Just fire)) Now for the substance of the text content: for me, the introductory part is too much...

Good afternoon!

I would like to start with the decoding design - it really captivates, beautiful and designer))!! Just fire)) Now for the substance of the text content: for me, the introductory part is too much (especially about amino acids), although it will probably not be enough to explain such a complex topic in a nutshell. In general, the rest of the description was understandable for a person who is faced with the topic of "Human Design" for the first time. There are a lot of hints and solutions. Thank you)