Summary of the Gates in Rave Chart Structure:
The bearers of this Gate need to learn to take care of themselves and others. In their greatest exaltation, this is the Gate of Compassion, and in incorrectness, such people can easily begin to sacrifice their well-being for the interests of others. They should remember that the basis of any care is self-care, otherwise a person simply cannot be useful to others.
Six archetypal roles of care can be seen by considering the lines of this Gate: 1. Selfishness, 2. Independence, self-sufficiency, 3. Greed, 4. Generosity, generosity, 5. Dutifulness, leading, 6. Discretion, caution.
Since this is a sacred Gate, such people do not know who or what they care about. If they do not wait for a response and rush to protect everyone in a row, then this, at best, turns into a waste of time and effort, and at worst, disappointment.
Without the 50th Gate, these people have the drive to care for others, but lack the intuition to set healthy limits on their drive.
Lines — six stages of development of this energy and possible extremes in its manifestation:
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