Gate 32 Continuity (Duration)

The energy to adapt to social change and adapt to ongoing life changes. People with an innate instinct to determine the true value of something or someone.
The Gate of Continuity

Summary of the Gates in  Rave Chart Structure:

  • Center: Spleen
  • Circuit: Ego
  • The Channel of Transformation (32-54)
  • Quarter (III): Duality
  • Deity: Minerva
  • Physiology: Spleen
  • Additional notes: no

The archetype of this Gate is the financial manager of the 54's entrepreneurial energy. The fear of failure makes Gate 32 people very conservative and shows them that restraint ensures the permanence and long-term success of not only the individual, but the entire community or business.
The 32nd Gate knows what may or may not be successfully transformed and functions as a brake on the 54's assertiveness. The 32 needs the 54's igniting spark, without which they are waiting for the moment when they have aspiration and ambition.

Lines — six stages of development of this energy and possible extremes in its manifestation:

Line 1
Sun exalted. A life sustaining respect and attention to all aspects of a process. The potential to develop the instinct through detailed attention to a process.
Mars exalted. The uncontrollable urge to bypass essentials which inevitably leads to the disruption of continuity. The fear of lack of potential, and the corresponding lack of attention.
Line 2
Venus exalted. The control of power for the benefit and enhancement of harmony. The potential for transformation that may be beneficial to others.
Jupiter in detriment. A tendency in frustration, particularly from a position of strength, to social withdrawal rather than persistent control. The frustration with controls or being con- trolled.
Line 3
Lack on continuity.
Mercury exalted. Indecision and persistent reevaluation, that only because of its basic intelligence manages to endure. Indecision in times of transformation.
Jupiter in detriment. An overreliance on traditionally legitimized standards that in times of change can be totally out of step and suffer unexpected humiliation. A lack of instinct in times of transformation.
Line 4
Right is might
Jupiter exalted. Even in times of change certain underlying principles endure. The instinct to maintain one's principles in times of change.
Saturn in detriment. Where Jupiter will establish right action in the larger social realm, Saturn's will lead to inner strength and endurance as long as it is not threatened from the outside. The instinct to maintain one's principles as long as one's security is not threatened.
Line 5
Flexibility. Easy adaption to circumstances.
The Moon exalted. The Moon exalted, where superficiality is a valuable tool that while masking the inner light permits adaption to prevailing conditions. An instinct for adaption in times of change.
Mars in detriment. The urge to express oneself in direct and often violent rejection of conformity. The potential of the instinct to reject adaption and conformity in times of change.
Line 6
Tranquillity. The need to calmly face impermanence.
Pluto exalted. An underlying acceptance of change that may or may not lead to tranquillity. The instinctive awareness to accept change and transformation.
Neptune in detriment. Impermanence as proof of meaninglessness with its attendant manifestations, depression, delusion, and in the extreme, self-destruction. The fear engendered when change is experienced as impermanence, and the potential for depression.

Instinctual awareness is our most important security system, located in the Splenic Center. This Center instantly catches any threats from the outside, gives the necessary signals and makes you move in a safe direction. It is also responsible for the functioning of our immunity.