Manifesting Generator
A Manifesting Generator is a hybrid between a Generator and a Manifestor. Not only do they have the ability to initiate, like the Manifestor but they can also make things happen like the generator. When an MG is doing what lights them up it creates a magnetic vortex which attracts synchronicities, opportunities and people. Manifesting Generators are not supposed to follow the common life path. Following this non-linear path, the MG will always encounter a lesson, a new skill, or something to teach. Manifesting Generators have a defined sacral energy center and a defined motor center (root, solar plexus, ego/heart, and sacral center) attached to their throat center.
Manifestors have the biggest aura of all 5 Energy Types. They are designed to move through life freely however they are often weighed down by the rules and beliefs systems that they have picked up over the course of their life. The more a Manifestor can use their voice to break free of the rules and boundaries placed on them, the more they will live and go where they are meant to.
“Neutrinos” are subatomic particles that come from the stars. They are composed of a tiny amount of mass and they carry information through space.
The energetic experience an individual will feel when they are not following their Human Design Strategy and Authority. (aka “not myself”). The “Not-Self” is a sign post for when resistance in life is being experienced because we are not living our design.
Personality Side
The “Personality side” of the Human Design bodygraph chart represents the gates (or energetic gifts) in the chart that are considered “conscious”. The Design Side gates show up as the color black in the bodygraph chart.
Polarity refers to the opposite sides of something. In Human Design it refers to the highest and lowest manifestation of a theme. For example, the theme of “universal love” has two polar opposite sides: an open heart vs. a closed heart.
Profile is similar to a “personality” type and it is linked to the Incarnation Cross. The Profile consists of 2 numbers (or lines) that originate from the one of the six lines of a hexagram. There are 12 Profiles in Human Design and each profile describes a skill set through which the theme of the Incarnation Cross will be expressed. For example, a 5th line profile will provide solutions related to their life theme and a 6th line will live as the example or role model for that life theme.
Projectors are the newest energy type and they are non-Sacral beings which means that the Sacral energy will always be undefined or “open”. Projectors will find success in life when they are recognized for their gifts and offered an invitation as an energetic exchange.
“Quarter” refers to the four sections of the year that relate to the four parts of the Great Cycle. Each individual is born within a quarter of the Great Cycle and their life theme (Incarnation Cross) will be fulfilled through that aspect of the cycle. The 4 Quarters are 1) Initiation, 2) Civilization, 3) Duality and 4) Mutation.
Ra Uru Hu
The creator of Human Design System. (aka Alan Robert Krakower)
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